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Distinctive Destination Award

In February 2010, Bastrop was named a “Distinctive Destination” by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, joining an esteemed roster of towns and cities across the nation accorded this honor. Every year, the National Trust for Historic Preservation honors 12 places that not only preserve historic and cultural heritage but also provide a positive visitor experience. For more information about the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Distinctive Destination Award, including the reasons Bastrop was chosen to receive this prestigous award, click here.


National Trust for Historic Preservation
Texas Downtown Association President's Awards


The Texas Downtown Association (TDA) was founded in 1985 as an independent, statewide, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to downtown development and revitalization. The TDA President's Awards Program recognizes outstanding places, projects and people from Texas downtowns. The program is open to TDA members and non-members.


Bastrop's TDA President's Awards:

2008 - Best Promotional Event for Bastrop's 175th Birthday Party

2008 - Best Renovation/Rehabilitation for the Louis Eilers Building, Baxters Fine Dining

2009 - Finalist for Best Renovation/Rehabilitation for 811 Main Street (courtyard rehab)

2009 - Finalist for Best Restoration for 1004 Main Street (currently Anita's Mexican Restaurant)

2010 - Best Downtown Partner for Bastrop Downtown Business Alliance

2010 - Best Marketing Program for "Meet Me on Main Street"

2012 - Best New Construction for the Bastrop Convention and Exhibit Center

2013 - Best Downtown Partner for Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa/Woodbine Development Corp

2013 - Susan H. Campbell Award for Professional Excellence to Nancy Wood, Director of the Bastrop Main Street Program

2013 - Finalist for Best Public Improvement for Chestnut Street Improvement Project

Texas Downtown Association
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